Specialists in Resin Bound and Resin Bonded surfacing systems

Tree Pit Systems

Planting trees in our public spaces helps make our walkways a pleasant place to be. However, open or grilled tree pits can also attract various forms of litter. Midland Decorative Surfaces provides a perfect and pleasing solution for tree pits in public spaces, providing a resin bound surface that can be easily swept and kept rubbish free.


Our resin bound tree pit system is available in a wide range of colours and finishes, designed to compliment any particular surroundings. Due to the nature of the permeable surface, water is allowed to run freely run through the tree pit surface, negating the need to install or maintain a watering tube. A resin bound tree pit can maintain its appearance at all times with mechanical sweepers where available.

Installation Specification

Tree pit installations are installed flush with the surrounding paving areas and have the added advantage of not becoming a litter trap that can occur with traditional tree grilles

SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems)

Resin Bound and Bonded Surfacing systems represent a cost effective alternative to the more traditional surfacing materials producing a hard wearing, virtually maintenance free surface that is environmentally friendly and pleasingly decorative. Resin Bound and Bonded Surfacing systems can be applied to most surfaces and can be completed relatively quickly minimising any disruption to our clients.

Tree Pit Foot Traffic

25mm depth – No foot traffic.
50mm depth – Light foot traffic.
75mm depth – Heavy foot traffic
A suitable edging detail and collar should be installed around the base of the tree and at the edges as required.

Resin Bound Porous Tree Pit Systems

Midland Decorative Surfaces Ltd has completed an impressive range of tree pit systems throught the UK. Tree Pit systems are designed to provide an attractive and aesthetically pleasing porous paving system, using a variety of natural or recycled aggregates.


Available in either Epoxy or a UV stable Polyurethane, the resin binder is mixed with a range of natural or recycled aggregate with a typical grading of 6-10mm. The open texture achieved provides a highly porous resin bound surface, allowing the tree roots access to both air and water penetration.


The tree should be planted and anchored in urban tree soil or similar. The addition of a Greenleaf Root Rain Precinct Irrigator/Aerator and Greenleaf Root Director is also advisable.

Get in touch


Midland Decorative Surfaces Ltd offers a professional installation of all types of Resin Bound and Bonded gravel surfaces for all types of applications at competitive prices. For a FREE NO OBLIGATION meeting with one of our friendly staff to discuss your particular project requirements, from a large driveway to a commercial project call us now on 0121 766 8705 or email us at contact@decorativesurfaces.co.uk

Midland Decorative Surfaces Ltd

St Andrews House

68 St Andrews Road



B9 4LN


T: 0121 766 8705

E: jack@fbservices.co.uk

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